17th April 2019

The Beatson Institute is very pleased to welcome Dr Ed Roberts as a new Junior Group Leader. Ed joins the Institute from UCSF, where he studied a class of immune cell called migratory dendritic cells and the role they play in the body’s response to cancer, and specifically how these cells communicate with the lymph nodes.

Roberts Ed March 2019This immune response underpins a type of cancer treatment called immunotherapy, in which the body’s own immune system is used to fight cancer. Despite great successes with immunotherapy, it only works in a subset of patients. Ed’s group here at the Beatson will be investigating how the immune response could be boosted, with the aim of making immunotherapy successful for more patients.

Ed has said 'It’s been really great settling into an incredibly friendly and collaborative environment that has such exciting science going on. Everyone has been incredibly helpful with everything which has made the process of moving in much less painful than I had expected!'