23rd March 2020

Message from Professor Owen Sansom, Director of the Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute, to all of our colleagues and supporters in light of the COVID-19 crisis:

These are difficult and challenging times for everyone and from Monday, 23rd March 2020, the Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute will be closed for all but the most essential laboratory work. With the exception of a small core of staff engaged in this essential work, all of our staff and students will be working from home.

By putting these social exclusion measures in place, we hope to minimise the risk to the health of our staff and students, and their families, while also reducing the burden on the external services a building such as ours normally requires. Everyone's safety is our top priority and we will only maintain the most vital aspects of our research so that once this crisis has passed, we will be ready to return to our important work and make the most of the generous support we receive from CRUK and other funders.

We are also doing all we can to provide any additional resources, expertise and personnel we have to assist the NHS in dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak.

On a personal note, I appreciate all of the efforts that everyone at the Beatson is making and whilst this is an extremely challenging situation, I know we will get through this to resume our fight against cancer.

Please contact beatson@gla.ac.uk if you any questions about this closure and we will direct your enquiry to the most appropriate staff member.