31st July 2021

We would like to extend a warm thank you to everyone who made our 2021 virtual conference 'The Cartography of Cancer: Mapping Tumours in 3D' a great success. We had a series of fantastic talks covering areas from the tumour microenvironment to immunology, mutation and metabolic mapping.

A special thank you to our keynote speaker Josephine Bunch from the National Physical Laboratory. Josephine BunchJosephine is leading the Rosetta Cancer Grand Challenge to build a complete picture of the anatomy of a tumour. She gave a fantastic talk explaining how the NPL has been involved in this challenge with its unparalleled expertise in the art and science of taking precise measurements, something which is essential for building a detailed map of a tumour. She spoke about using an arsenal of advanced techniques such as nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry and desorption electrospray ionisation to unpick the metabolic heterogeneity of tumours.

We were also fortunate to be able to hold an insightful careers workshop with Maria Papatriantafyllou from FEBS and Daniel Klimmeck from EMBO, both editors who shared their experience of careers in publishing, as well as our own Laura Machesky.

Congratulations to Colinda Scheele (VIB) for winning the prize for best short talk, and to Toshi Suzuki (Beatson) for the best flash talk.

And of course, a massive thank you to our sponsors: Transnetyx, European Association for Cancer Research, Li-Cor, Fluidigm, National Cancer Research Institute, Merck, The EMBO Journal, FEBS Press, proteintech and Cancer Research UK.

Looking ahead to next year's meeting, we very much hope we will once again be able to welcome everyone in person to the Beatson and Glasgow.